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Mixin default must be used when element has more mutations. And it should go always first.

Reason: In addition to wanting maximum code semanticity and equal visual indentation compared to other mutations, with default mixin we can verify that the block with the default mutation is always at the first position in the element block when parsing the SASS. And if it is not, the parser will point it out.

Note: this rule can be suppressed by using +mode('draft') before the component. See the +mode mixin.


display: inline-block
background-color: grey

background-color: green

button {
display: inline-block;
background-color: grey;
button.primary {
background-color: green;

The mixins and functions used in the code above: component, default, variant, register, mode.

Without default

When element has no mutations then +default mixin can be ommited. It should be used only with combination of other mutations.

display: inline-block
background-color: grey
button {
display: inline-block;
background-color: grey;

The mixins and functions used in the code above: component.

Cobination: with and without default

This applies to each element block separately. When an element has no mutations then +default mixin can be ommited and if other element has some mutations then +default mixin must be used.


display: inline-block
background-color: grey

background-color: green

display: inline-block
width: 1.5em
height: 1.5em
opacity: 0.75

white-space: nowrap
vertical-align: middle

font-weight: bold

button {
display: inline-block;
background-color: grey;
button.primary {
background-color: green;

button .icon {
display: inline-block;
width: 1.5em;
height: 1.5em;
opacity: 0.75;

button .text {
white-space: nowrap;
vertical-align: middle;

button.primary .text {
font-weight: bold;

The mixins and functions used in the code above: component, default, variant, element, register, mode.